Tea et Shizu prisonnières
Version alternative de Yu-Gi-Oh saison 6 : Phase finale de Bataille-ville
où après que l'esprit de Marek (réfugié dans le corps de Tea) ait échoué
dans sa tentative de reprendre possession de son corps contrôlé par son
côté obscur Yami-Marek, Shizu a tenté de s'interposer pour sauver son
frère et Yami-Marek a décidé de changer de méthode en séquestrant sa
sœur et Tea dans une section du dirigeable de Seto Kaiba au lieu de les
condamner au royaume des ombres comme il l'a fait sur Maï Valentine et
Pauvre Shizu, depuis qu'elle a donné
son collier du Millénium au pharaon, jamais elle n'aurait cru que
l'avenir s'annoncerait aussi sombre et cruelle pour elle ainsi que pour
Tea, seront-elles libérées lorsque le pharaon aura vaincu Yami-Marek à
la finale du tournoi ?
Alternate version of Yu-Gi-Oh season 6 : The final phase of
Battle-city where after the spirit of Marek (a refugee in Tea's body)
failed in his attempt to regain possession of his body controlled by his
dark side Yami-Marek, Ishizu has tried to intervene to
save her brother and Yami-Marek decided to change of method by
sequestering his sister and Tea in a section of Seto Kaiba's airship
instead of condemning them to the realm of shadows as he did on Mai Valentine and Bakura.
Poor Ishizu, since she gave her Millennium necklace to pharaoh, she never would have believed that the future would announce herself as dark and cruel for her as for Tea, will they be released when the pharaoh will have defeated Yami-Marek in the final of the tournament ?
Poor Ishizu, since she gave her Millennium necklace to pharaoh, she never would have believed that the future would announce herself as dark and cruel for her as for Tea, will they be released when the pharaoh will have defeated Yami-Marek in the final of the tournament ?
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