Les soeurs Summers et leurs amies suspendues
Version alternative de la saison 7 de Buffy contre les vampires dans laquelle Anya a épousée Alex Harris dans l'épisode #116 La corde au cou et Tara Maclay n'a pas été assassinée par Warren Mears dans l'épisode #118 Rouge passion, Dawn a découvert être une élue parmi les Tueuses potentielle grâce à un sort de localisation mis au point par Willow et Tara.
Pour le 22e anniversaire de
Buffy, la fête s'est déroulé dans la Boutique de magie afin d'éviter que
la résidence Summers subisse encore une malédiction comme pour les
anniversaires des saisons 5 et 6 où la soirée n'avait pas pu se dérouler
normalement à cause des forces du mal et malgré que Spike avait
conseillé à Buffy de ne plus fêter cet évènement annuel lors des
événements de l'épisode #114 Sans issue, la fête s'est quand même
déroulée et après avoir passé 2h de soirée fabuleuse où il n'y a eu
aucune catastrophe, ce que redoutait Spike a finit par arriver puisque
celui-ci et Alex ainsi que les Tueuses potentielles Kennedy, Ronna,
Amanda et Vi ont été expédiés dans un vortex les projetant dans une
autre dimension par Caleb alias le lieutenant de la Force accompagné de
25 Bringers venus l'assister.
Après 2 minutes
de combat violent et sanglant où Buffy a tué 10 Bringers, Dawn 4,
Willow, Tara et Anya 3, Caleb utilisa un puissant sort de magie noir
pour ôter les pouvoirs des sorcières lesbiennes et un autre pour
neutraliser la force surhumaine de la Tueuse sur un rouleau du sparadrap
ayant été utilisé par les Bringers restant qui l'ont solidement
enchaînée tandis que Tara, Willow, Anya et Dawn ont été ligotées avec
des cordes étant donné qu'elles sont moins puissantes que Buffy.
complètement désespérée et sans espoir pour Buffy, Dawn et leurs amies
où elles ont désormais à la merci de Caleb et des Bringers qui vont
effectuer un rituel de magie noire pour extraire les pouvoirs de la
Tueuse ainsi que ceux sommeillant en sa petite sœur pour qu'ils ne
soient jamais activés lorsque Faith Lehane aura été tuée à la prison
pour femmes de Los Angeles et dont Dawn aurait dû hériter.
Alternate version of Buffy the vampire Slayer
season 7 in which Anya married Xander Harris in episode #116 Hell's
bells and Tara Maclay wasn't murdered by Warren Mears in episode #119
Seeing red, Dawn discovered that she was a chosen one among the
potential Slayers thanks to a locator spell developed by Willow and
For Buffy's 22nd birthday, the party was held in the Magic box to avoid the Summers house being cursed again as it had been for the birthdays of seasons 5 and 6 when the party couldn't take place normally due to the forces of evil and despite Spike's advice to Buffy not to celebrate this annual event during the events of episode #114 Older and far away, the party still went on and after having spent 2 hours of fabulous evening where there was no catastrophe, what Spike was dreading finally happened since he and Xander as well as the potential Slayers Kennedy, Ronna, Amanda and Vi were sent in a vortex projecting them in another dimension by Caleb alias the lieutenant of the Force accompanied by 25 Bringers who came to assist him.
After 2 minutes of violent and bloody fight where Buffy killed 10 Bringers, Dawn 4, Willow, Tara and Anya 3, Caleb used a powerful black magic spell to remove the powers of the lesbian witches and another one to neutralize the superhuman strength of the Slayer on a roll of the plaster having been used by the remaining Bringers who firmly chained her while Tara, Willow, Anya and Dawn were tied up with ropes as they are less powerful than Buffy.
A completely hopeless situation for Buffy, Dawn and their friends where they are now at the mercy of Caleb and the Bringers who are going to perform a black magic ritual to extract the Slayer's powers as well as those dormant in her little sister so that they will never be activated once Faith Lehane has been killed at the women's prison in Los Angeles and that Dawn should have inherited.
For Buffy's 22nd birthday, the party was held in the Magic box to avoid the Summers house being cursed again as it had been for the birthdays of seasons 5 and 6 when the party couldn't take place normally due to the forces of evil and despite Spike's advice to Buffy not to celebrate this annual event during the events of episode #114 Older and far away, the party still went on and after having spent 2 hours of fabulous evening where there was no catastrophe, what Spike was dreading finally happened since he and Xander as well as the potential Slayers Kennedy, Ronna, Amanda and Vi were sent in a vortex projecting them in another dimension by Caleb alias the lieutenant of the Force accompanied by 25 Bringers who came to assist him.
After 2 minutes of violent and bloody fight where Buffy killed 10 Bringers, Dawn 4, Willow, Tara and Anya 3, Caleb used a powerful black magic spell to remove the powers of the lesbian witches and another one to neutralize the superhuman strength of the Slayer on a roll of the plaster having been used by the remaining Bringers who firmly chained her while Tara, Willow, Anya and Dawn were tied up with ropes as they are less powerful than Buffy.
A completely hopeless situation for Buffy, Dawn and their friends where they are now at the mercy of Caleb and the Bringers who are going to perform a black magic ritual to extract the Slayer's powers as well as those dormant in her little sister so that they will never be activated once Faith Lehane has been killed at the women's prison in Los Angeles and that Dawn should have inherited.
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