Kitana combat perdu
En traversant la Forêt Vivante, Kitana croisa le chemin de Jade lui
ayant ordonné d'abandonner sa quête par ordre de Shao Kahn, ce qu'elle
refusa et décida de l'affronter dans un combat pour continuer sa quête
qui se déroula dans l'arène Dead Pool.
Kitana ne réussi pas à venir à bout de Jade et après sa défaite, au
lieu de subir un fatality elle fut solidement ligotée/bâillonnée en
étant fixé à un crochet d'une des chaînes qui pend le long du plafond.
While crossing the Living Forest, Kitana came across Jade's path
and ordered her to abandon her quest by order of Shao Kahn, which she
refused and decided to face her in a fight to continue her quest who
took place in the Dead Pool Arena.
Unfortunately, Kitana was unable to defeat Jade and after her defeat, instead of suffering a fatality she was bound/gagged by being attached to a hook on one of the chains hanging from the ceiling.
Unfortunately, Kitana was unable to defeat Jade and after her defeat, instead of suffering a fatality she was bound/gagged by being attached to a hook on one of the chains hanging from the ceiling.
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