Kitana capturée
Version alternative de la série animée Mortal Kombat : Les gardiens du royaume
dans laquelle Kitana a été capturée par un mercenaire à la solde de
l'empereur Shao Khan qui l'a hypnotisé pendant quelques minutes pour
l'empêcher de se défendre et opposer de la résistance.
avoir été libéré de l'hypnose, Kitana réalisa qu'elle a été solidement
ligotée/bâillonnée et les cordes sont tellement serrées qu'elle est dans
l'incapacité totale de se libérer, elle s'est fait confisquer ses
éventails de combat.
Alternative version of the anime series Mortal Kombat :
Defenders of the realm in which Kitana was captured by a
mercenary in the pay of emperor Shao Khan who hypnotized her for a few
minutes to prevent her from defending herself and to oppose resistance.
After being freed from the hypnosis, Kitana realized that she had been tightly bound/gagged and the ropes were so tight that she was totally unable to free herself, she had her combat fans confiscated.
After being freed from the hypnosis, Kitana realized that she had been tightly bound/gagged and the ropes were so tight that she was totally unable to free herself, she had her combat fans confiscated.
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