Aelita et Yumi entraînement karaté 2
Ayant décidé de combattre comme dans un tournoi d'arts martiaux, Aelita a demandé à Yumi de ne pas retenir ses coups et de la pousser à déployer ses techniques les plus redoutables/efficaces afin d'évaluer ses compétences et savoir jusqu'à quel niveau elle a progressé depuis la guerre contre XANA et notamment pendant la mission Translation sur le barrage où elle a dû combattre au karaté avec son amie un colosse xanatifié. Cela lui permettra de savoir si à la fin de ses deux semaines de vacances passées chez les Ishiyama, elle sera apte à passer au grade de ceinture bleue par les parents de Yumi ayant été moniteurs d'arts martiaux au Japon.
Jusqu'à maintenant, Yumi
n'a jamais ressentie le besoin d'entrainer sa copine comme si elle
participait à un tournoi de karaté afin d'éviter de la blesser
involontairement sachant qu'elle est ceinture noire 1er dan en karaté
wado-ryu, taï-jitsu, shotokan, goju-ryu, kyokushinkai, en kung-fu, judo
et kenjutsu, ce qui lui offre un avantage considérable ainsi qu'un moyen
de pouvoir frapper là où ça peut faire très mal jusqu'à envoyer à
l'hôpital si elle ne contrôle pas sa force. Cependant, elle sait
l'importance que ça représente pour Aelita puisqu'elle a vécu cette
situation durant sa petite enfance au Japon ainsi que dans son pays
d'adoption où elle a dû être évaluée aussi bien par ses parents et
d'autres membres de sa famille spécialisés dans un art martial
spécifique que par ses moniteurs d'arts martiaux.
decided to fight like in a martial arts tournament, Aelita asked Yumi
not to hold back her blows and push her to deploy her most
formidable/effective techniques in order to assess her skills and know
up to what level she has progressed since the war against XANA and
especially during the mission Translation on the dam where she had to
fight in karate with her friend a colossus xanatified. This will enable
her to know if at the end of her two weeks of holidays with the
Ishiyama, she will be able to pass to the rank of blue belt by the
parents of Yumi having been martial arts instructors in Japan.
So far, Yumi has never felt the need to train her girlfriend as if she were participating in a karate tournament to avoid hurting her involuntarily knowing that she is a 1st dan black belt in wado-ryu karate, tai-jitsu, shotokan, goju-ryu, kyokushinkai, kung-fu, judo and kenjutsu, which gives her a huge advantage as well as a way to hit where it hurts to send to hospital if she doesn't control her strength. However, she knows how important it is for Aelita since she experienced this situation during her early childhood in Japan as well as in her adopted country where she had to be evaluated by her parents as well as other members of her family specialize in a specific martial art only through her martial arts instructors.
So far, Yumi has never felt the need to train her girlfriend as if she were participating in a karate tournament to avoid hurting her involuntarily knowing that she is a 1st dan black belt in wado-ryu karate, tai-jitsu, shotokan, goju-ryu, kyokushinkai, kung-fu, judo and kenjutsu, which gives her a huge advantage as well as a way to hit where it hurts to send to hospital if she doesn't control her strength. However, she knows how important it is for Aelita since she experienced this situation during her early childhood in Japan as well as in her adopted country where she had to be evaluated by her parents as well as other members of her family specialize in a specific martial art only through her martial arts instructors.
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