Eva et Odd parachutistes
Pour le 16e anniversaire d'Eva, Odd décida d'offrir à sa
petite amie une initiation au parachutisme à l'aérodrome d'Orléans où il
fut autrefois initié sa sœur ainée Marie Della Robbia pour son 15e
anniversaire fin août 2007.
n'était pas très emballée de tester de sport extrême mais accepta le
cadeau que lui fit son petit ami pour ne pas le décevoir et passa une
excellente journée à être formée par Marie qui est une jeune monitrice
excellente en plus d'être une grande sœur géniale pour Odd. Pour le
premier saut d'Eva, Odd demanda à Marie s'il était possible qu'ils
sautent en amoureux sans qu'elle ait besoin de les accompagner pour le
premier saut normalement requis pour la jeune américaine, celle-ci
accepta cet arrangement en étant la pilote de l'avion.
à 4000m d'altitude, Odd fit signe à Eva de prendre sa main afin qu'elle
cesse d'avoir la frousse de sauter et être rassuré aux côtés de son
compagnon qui lui assurera que l'expérience sera inoubliable et qu'elle
souhaitera la renouveler à l’atterrissage.
For Eva's 16th birthday, Odd decided to offer his girlfriend
an introduction to skydiving at the Orleans airfield where he was once
initiated by his older sister Marie Della Robbia for her 15th birthday
at the end of August 2007.
Eva wasn't very keen to try extreme sports but accepted the gift from her boyfriend so as not to disappoint him and had a great day being trained by Marie who is an excellent young instructor as well as being a great older sister for Odd. For Eva's first jump, Odd asked Marie if it was possible for them to jump as lovers without her having to accompany them on the first jump normally required for the young American, and she accepted this arrangement by being the pilot of the plane.
Arriving at an altitude of 4000m, Odd signalled to Eva to take his hand so that she would stop having the fright of jumping and be reassured by her companion who would assure her that the experience would be unforgettable and that she would want to repeat it on landing.
Eva wasn't very keen to try extreme sports but accepted the gift from her boyfriend so as not to disappoint him and had a great day being trained by Marie who is an excellent young instructor as well as being a great older sister for Odd. For Eva's first jump, Odd asked Marie if it was possible for them to jump as lovers without her having to accompany them on the first jump normally required for the young American, and she accepted this arrangement by being the pilot of the plane.
Arriving at an altitude of 4000m, Odd signalled to Eva to take his hand so that she would stop having the fright of jumping and be reassured by her companion who would assure her that the experience would be unforgettable and that she would want to repeat it on landing.
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