Eva et Odd entraînement capoeira
Eva et Odd pendant les vacances d'été 2010 où la jeune américaine a
invité son compagnon passer 2 semaines de vacances en Californie avec
elle pour perfectionner son initiation à la capoeira dont elle a atteint
le niveau ceinture orange.
Ils ont décidé de
séjourner pendant une semaine à Los Angeles et s'entraînent sur la plage
de Malibu durant la soirée sous un soleil couchant fabuleux.
Ayant décidé de combattre comme dans un duel de la franchise Street Fighter,
Eva a demandé à Odd de ne pas retenir ses coups et de la pousser à
déployer ses techniques les plus redoutables/efficaces afin d'évaluer
ses compétences et savoir jusqu'à quel niveau elle a progressé depuis
qu'elle a débuté son initiation à la capoeira pour devenir aussi balèze
que son compagnon lorsqu'elle passera la ceinture noire.
Eva and Odd during the 2010 summer holidays where the young
american invited her companion to spend 2 weeks of holidays in
California with her to perfect her capoeira initiation of which she has
reached the orange belt level.
They decided to stay for a week in Los Angeles and train on the Malibu beach in the evening under a fabulous sunset.
They decided to stay for a week in Los Angeles and train on the Malibu beach in the evening under a fabulous sunset.
Having decided to fight as in a duel Street Fighter franchise,
Eva asked Odd not to hold back her blows and to push her to deploy her
most fearsome/effective techniques in order to evaluate her skills and
know how far she has progressed since she began her capoeira initiation
to become as strong as her companion when she passes the black belt.
The young american likes to take on challenges that can seem extreme and this also allows her to work on her support, stability and balance which she used to her advantage when she obtained her black belt in krav-maga in August 2008.
The young american likes to take on challenges that can seem extreme and this also allows her to work on her support, stability and balance which she used to her advantage when she obtained her black belt in krav-maga in August 2008.
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